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Hangzhou Gaoyu Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.

About Gaoyu


Committed to becoming the leader in the reliability industry of electronic components!

Hangzhou Gaoyu Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. is a modern high-tech enterprise. The company was founded in 2009 and is headquartered in Hangzhou Qianjiang Economic Development Zone, Zhejiang. It is the top domestic electronic component reliability test equipment, test equipment development and component reliability overall Solution service provider, the company's business covers the reliability test equipment of electronic components (host equipment and test power supply, aging test board, aging test seat and other related accessories), customized automated aging test production line and third-party reliability testing, failure analysis and Technical Advisory Services.

The company has an independent product research and development center. Under the guidance of high quality and internationalization, its products are widely used in the defense electronics industry and well-known semiconductor companies at home and abroad. Gaoyu upholds the business philosophy of "innovation, refinement, collaboration, and win-win", carefully builds an industrial ecology, promotes the coordinated development of the industry, and has won high recognition from the industry and the market.

Facing the future, the company has always practiced the core value of "creating value for customers with focus", providing customers with more comprehensive and reliable system solutions, and constantly striving for priority, moving to a larger scale and higher level, and committed to becoming an electronic The leader in component reliability industry!

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