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Discuss how to maintain the large-scale automatic assembly line
2016-04-26 2847

Everyone knows that it takes a very high cost for manufacturers to purchase a large-scale automatic assembly line. Therefore, it is necessary to pay more attention to daily maintenance to prolong the service life of the equipment and keep the equipment in a good working condition for a long time. So what should I do? The following editor will give you a brief introduction:

  First of all, if the items placed on the conveyor belt of the equipment are too heavy, it will bring a serious load to the equipment, which will shorten the life of the equipment as a whole. Therefore, we must pay attention to the weight of the item not to exceed the load that the equipment itself can bear.  Secondly, clean the equipment regularly, remove the waste and impurities from the equipment, and keep the equipment dry to avoid rust.

   In addition, it is necessary to regularly apply lubricant to the equipment connection and between the bearings to ensure the smooth operation of the equipment.

   The above is how the large-scale automatic assembly line can prolong the service life and do daily maintenance work. In addition to the above points, if the equipment is parked for a period of time, the equipment needs to be warmed up when it runs again.

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