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Matters needing attention when choosing dust-proof test chamber
2016-04-26 3169

The dust-proof test box is used to test various auto parts for dust-proof and dust-proof tests. The test parts include car lights, meters, electrical dust jackets, steering systems, door locks, etc. Pay attention to the following items when choosing a dust-proof test chamber:

1. The test chamber should be well sealed

2. The cross-sectional area of the working space of the test chamber should be greater than 2 times the cross-sectional area of the test sample, and the effective volume should be greater than 3.3 times the volume of the test sample

3. The air filled with dust is allowed to flow approximately laminar flow between the test sample

4. The test chamber should be equipped with instruments and other auxiliary devices that can monitor and control the concentration of sand and dust, wind speed, temperature and relative humidity

5. There should be a sand separator, so that the fan can circulate the air repeatedly under the condition of no sand

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